动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者_瑜伽与编程有什么关系?
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动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者

by Joanna Gaudyn

乔安娜·高登(Joanna Gaudyn)

瑜伽与编程有什么关系? (What does yoga have to do with programming?)

您可能会感到惊讶。 (You might be surprised.)

At first sight, there are a few fields as distant as programming and yoga. One requires sitting or standing behind a desk, deep focus, and highly developed logical skills. The other is all about mindfulness, flexibility, and deep breathing.

乍一看,还有一些领域与编程和瑜伽一样遥不可及。 一个人需要坐在桌子后面或站在桌子旁,要有深度的注意力,并需要高度发展的逻辑技巧。 另一个是关于正念,灵活性和深呼吸。

I had been doing yoga for a couple of years already before joining a coding boot camp in Lisbon. I was so delighted to see that included a yoga session in a weekly schedule that I could almost feel my neck muscles relaxing when I read it. Being a , I love unexpected combos — and the intersection between web development and yoga is one of them. And I’ll tell you a secret: I’m not alone.

在加入里斯本的编码训练营之前,我已经做瑜伽两年了。 我很高兴看到每周安排一次瑜伽课,当我阅读它时,几乎可以感觉到颈部肌肉放松。 作为一个 ,我喜欢意想不到的组合-网络开发和瑜伽之间的交集就是其中之一。 我会告诉你一个秘密:我并不孤单。

So there were things I expected to get out of doing yoga during the bootcamp:


  1. Increased flexibility after sitting still for hours.


  2. Better mobility — since I’ve had issues with sciatica for years now, I knew I just couldn’t afford not to do some form of exercises, and so it happened that yoga met my needs best.

    更好的活动能力 -自从我多年以来患有坐骨神经痛问题以来,我就知道我负担不起不做某种形式的锻炼,所以瑜伽恰好满足了我的需求。

  3. Relax. Since a coding bootcamp = very busy schedule, setting aside an hour or two to only focus on yourself is a great way to unwind.

    放松一下 由于编码训练营=非常繁忙的日程安排,因此预留一两个小时只专注于自己是放松身心的好方法。

Working as a programmer, you are constantly exposed to shifting feelings. One day you feel like you’re on top of the world as that little JavaScript element finally started doing what you wanted it to, the next day you spend hours chasing a bug that turns out to be something as trivial as a typo (refreshing your browser and not understanding why your changes are not being applied, only to discover you’ve been staring at production, not development, anyone?). This job can be a lot of fun, but you also need ways to handle the frustrations, self-doubt, and short deadlines.

作为程序员,您会不断地感受到变化。 一天,您感觉自己像世界之巅,那个小小JavaScript元素终于开始做您想要的事情,第二天,您花费数小时追逐一个错误,发现它像错字一样微不足道(刷新您的浏览器,而不是了解为什么不应用您的更改,只是发现您一直盯着生产而不是开发人员?)。 这项工作可能很有趣,但是您还需要一些方法来处理沮丧,自我怀疑和期限短的问题。

You might carry in your mind the idea that yoga is a stretching activity mainly for women who don’t understand real physical activity, as public opinion is often telling you. If so, I encourage you to try it at least once.

您可能会想到,瑜伽是一项伸展运动,主要针对那些不了解实际体育活动的女性,因为舆论经常告诉您。 如果是这样,我建议您至少尝试一次。

Just try to choose a good, experienced teacher rather than one of those slack training-center classes where the main focus is on looking good and not sweating too much. Perhaps, just perhaps, you might change your mind.

只是选择一个优秀,经验丰富的老师,而不要选择那些闲适的培训中心课程,而这些课程的主要重点是看起来不错而不是出汗过多。 也许,也许,也许您会改变主意。

During my time at Le Wagon I discovered some unexpected benefits of yoga and was surprised by how regular practice was influencing my progress in learning programming. I happily continue to take advantage of all these discoveries till today.

在Le Wagon期间,我发现了瑜伽的一些意想不到的好处,并且对常规练习如何影响我学习编程的能力感到惊讶。 直到今天,我仍然高兴地继续利用所有这些发现。

Here’s just a handful of things I’ve learned that yoga can offer:


  1. Focus improvement. Yoga can help with concentration through calming your mind and removing the distracting thoughts.

    重点改善 。 瑜伽可以使您的头脑平静并消除分散注意力的思想,从而有助于集中精力。

    A peaceful environment where yoga classes are usually held can also play a role here, letting you detach from all the office noises.


  2. Problem-solving. A short yoga session during the day can be a particularly good idea when you feel stuck.

    解决问题 。 当您感到卡住时,白天做短暂的瑜伽课可能是一个特别好的主意。

    Working too long with one problem tends to diminish our ability to spot crucial details while keeping the bigger picture in mind. Freeing your mind by focusing on something else works wonders here and even the biggest challenges tend to appear clearer when you come back to your computer.

    处理一个问题时间过长往往会削弱我们发现关键细节的能力,同时又要牢记更大的前景。 通过专注于其他事情来释放您的思想可以在这里实现奇迹,甚至当您回到计算机时,即使最大的挑战也往往变得更加清晰。

  3. Mood boost. Deep breathing and movement mean two things: better oxygen flow and endorphins, and with these, in action, it’s nearly impossible to not get in a better mood.

    心情增强 。 深呼吸和运动意味着两件事:更好的氧气流量和内啡肽,在这些作用下,几乎不可能没有更好的心情。

  4. Productivity lift. Although the idea of taking a break in the middle of your day or, even worse, getting up from your computer while you are in the middle of things, might sound irrational and time-consuming, you’ll be positively surprised how much more efficient you get after just a short yoga session.

    生产力提升 。 尽管在一天中休息或什至更糟的是从中途起床休息的想法听起来不合理且耗时,但您肯定会惊讶地发现它效率更高短暂的瑜伽训练后,您就会得到。

  5. Stress Buster. If you truly let yourself forget about your task and indulge in a yoga session, it’s almost impossible not to reduce your stress level. Yoga naturally calms you down and leaves you centered.

    压力克星 。 如果您真的让自己忘记了自己的任务并沉迷于瑜伽课程中,那么不降低压力几乎是不可能的。 瑜伽自然会使您平静下来,并使您居中。

  6. Energy refill. You probably know the Latin saying, “mens sana in corpore sano”, which translates as a healthy mind in a healthy body.

    能量补充 。 您可能知道拉丁语:“ Corpore sano中的男士萨纳”在健康的身体中翻译为健康的头脑

    Any kind of workout can provide you with mental benefits but yoga is particularly good in this. Being stressed and emotionally drained can affect the way we feel physically. Yoga, by helping you relieve tension, boosts your energy levels too.

    任何一种锻炼方法都可以为您带来精神上的好处,但是瑜伽在这方面特别有用。 压力大,情绪低落会影响我们的身体感觉。 瑜伽可以帮助您缓解紧张情绪,从而提高您的能量水平。

  7. Character exercise. Yoga, often thought of as not serious or even ‘not real exercise’, can in fact be really challenging — both physically and mentally. But it also involves techniques which help you progress and move past your weaknesses, focusing on the bigger picture. When working on a coding problem, not letting your shortcomings get in the way and discourage you is vital but often not easy. Getting more practice, outside of your technical challenges, can do wonders.

    性格锻炼 。 瑜伽通常被认为是不认真甚至是“不真正的锻炼”,实际上在身体和精神上都可能具有挑战性。 但这还涉及一些技巧,这些技巧可以帮助您进步并克服自己的弱点,着眼于大局。 处理编码问题时,不要让缺点成为障碍并让您灰心,这很重要,但通常并不容易。 在技​​术难题之外获得更多实践可以创造奇迹。

  8. Discipline. Regular yoga practice demands discipline.

    纪律 。 定期练习瑜伽需要纪律。

    So does learning to code and working as a programmer.


Programmers need to consciously work to take care of and strengthen their bodies due to the sedentary nature of their work. Remember that there are plenty of styles and schools of yoga, so you can surely find something that fits you best, depending on your physical condition, personality, and current mood. Practices vary in duration, difficulty, and energy level.

由于工作久坐不动,程序员需要自觉地进行工作,以照顾和增强自己的身体。 请记住, 瑜伽许多种风格和流派 ,因此您可以根据自己的身体状况,性格和当前的心情,找到最适合自己的东西。 练习的持续时间,难度和能量水平各不相同。

My personal favorite is , a rather dynamic and highly structured yoga class which requires a certain dose of flexibility and strength. It really lets you sweat out all your programming worries and frustrations (which might be surprising to some people, who associate yoga with slow moves and lots of stillness).

我个人最喜欢的是 ,这是一个相当动态和高度结构化的瑜伽课,需要一定程度的柔韧性和力量。 它确实使您能够消除所有编程上的烦恼和挫败感(这对于某些将瑜伽与缓慢动作和大量静止感联系在一起的人来说可能是令人惊讶的)。

I like to alternate ashtanga classes with . It’s a very slow-paced and passive practice. You are expected to hold a posture for at least 3–5 minutes. It might look very easy looking from the side but don’t get mislead. Yin works on the deep connective tissues of the body and is a great way to refocus and give meditation a go.

我喜欢在阿斯汤加班上做 。 这是一个非常慢节奏的被动练习。 您应该保持姿势至少3–5分钟。 从侧面看可能看起来很容易,但不要误导。 阴在人体深层结缔组织上起作用,是重新集中精力并进行冥想的好方法。

Any form of workout will improve your physical condition, and therefore your mental and emotional well-being. Remember though that yoga encompasses much more than just stretching, even if you don’t incorporate any kind of spiritual or religious component to your practice.

任何形式的锻炼都会改善您的身体状况,从而改善您的心理和情绪健康。 请记住,即使您没有在练习中融入任何精神或宗教成分,瑜伽也不仅仅是伸展运动。

In addition to physical postures (asanas), it’s the control over your breath (pranayama) and meditation that are key to the health perks hidden in yoga.


I hope all these benefits will give you an extra push to explore a little — forgetting about your stereotypes and preconceptions — and find your own personal favorites.



动态瑜伽 静态瑜伽 初学者


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